Reduce Stress with Healthy Food Choices
April 4, 2018
2 minutes
2 minutes
When you’re stressed out, what kinds of foods do you crave? More often than not our stressed bodies and minds want comfort foods. We might reach for a slice of cake or choose to have a burger and fries. That type of eating may provide us with momentary satisfaction and a jolt of energy, but it’s then followed by a sinking spell. The truth is, high-calorie, high carb, and sugary foods don’t help us de-stress. Instead, when we want to lower our stress levels, we should look for foods that are high in protein, whole grains and rich Omega 3s. Here are a few foods to keep on hand when we are in the mood to stress eat.
- Pistachios – pistachios contain Vitamin B6 that’s needed to produce serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that regulates our mood. It’s also found in sweet potatoes, garlic and avocados.
- Sliced Red Peppers – red peppers have stores of Vitamin C. According to Psychology Today, “People who took high doses of Vitamin C before something stress-inducing, like an oral presentation, had lower blood pressure and recovered faster from the cortisol surge.”
- Dark Chocolate – research has proven that eating a small square of dark chocolate daily helps to keep us calm. The flavonoids found in chocolate help to lower the stress hormone cortisol.
- Oatmeal – complex carbs like whole grain oatmeal are digested slowly and don’t spike blood sugar. Additionally, oatmeal helps to produce serotonin – the de-stressing neurotransmitter.
- Spinach – spinach and other leafy greens are rich in stress-busting magnesium. People with low magnesium levels have elevated C-reactive proteins which lead to stress and depression.