Visitor Information

GRMC Hospital Map

Hospital Map

View a map of the Guadalupe Regional Medical Center in Seguin, Texas.

GRMC Locations


View the locations of GRMC's clinics, rehab units and behavioral health offices.

Guadalupe Regional Medical Center understands that having loved ones by your side can help with your healing and care. You have the right to choose and prioritize visitors from among family, friends, partners, personal care aides or other. You also can choose a support person to be present throughout your stay, unless that person’s presence affects your health or the rights or safety of other patients.

Visitor Guidelines

We encourage well-wishers for emotional support and recovery. To provide a restful and safe environment, we ask that visitors follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not visit if you have a cold, sore throat, fever or other illness.
  2. Avoid noisy, disruptive behavior to help respect the healing of all patients.
  3. Ask before bringing foods, drinks, or other items like balloons, flowers or perfume that might trigger allergies into patient rooms.
  4. Wash your hands before entering a patient’s room.
  5. Make sure all children have a supervising adult with them at all times.

Visiting Hours

At GRMC, we understand the importance of having family and loved ones a part of the healing process and encourage their support. Please note, due to patient care needs, there may be times we ask to limit the number of visitors in the room to best care for the patient.  

  • Patient Tower Entrance:
    Monday – Friday: 5:30am – 9:00pm
    Saturday – Sunday: 6:30am – 9:00pm
  • Central Entrance:
    Monday – Friday: 6:15am – 6:00pm
    Closed Saturday & Sunday
  • McFarland Entrance:
    Monday – Friday: 5:30am – 8:00pm
    Saturday – Sunday: 6:30am – 8:00pm
  • East Campus Entrance:
    Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
    Friday: 8:00am – 12:30pm
    Closed Saturday & Sunday
  • Emergency Room Entrance: Open 24 Hours/ 7 days a week

Located on the first floor.

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Dinner: 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

The grill is open all afternoon and all visitors are welcome to dine in the cafeteria.

Learn more about nutritional services


GRMC’s Reverend Nell Ferrell Linebarger Chapel is located on the first floor near the Cafeteria.

Learn more about pastoral care


Flowers can be delivered to patient’s rooms by hospital volunteer. Please note, flowers are not allowed in the Intensive Care Unit.

Gift Shop

Located on the first floor near the Patient Tower entrance.

The GRMC gift shop offers a variety of specialty gifts, cards, green plants, fresh flower arrangements, balloons, jewelry, candles, toys, clothing, angel and inspirational items, and more. Delivery is available to patient rooms. To place an order, call 830.401.7238 for assistance.

Hours: Monday through Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Sunday.

No Smoking

For the health of all GRMC patients, GRMC is proud to be a tobacco-free campus. Thank you for not smoking on hospital grounds.

Pastoral Care

Patients and their loved ones can call upon our hospital chaplain or a group of volunteer ministers at any time. Simply ask a hospital staff member to request these services, or call the hospital at 830.379.2411.

Learn more about pastoral care

Public Restrooms

For everyone’s health and safety, we ask visitors not to use patient restrooms. Public restrooms are located throughout the hospital. Ask hospital staff to direct you to the nearest one.

Vending Machines

Located on the first floor, near the ER and ICU waiting rooms, and you can find beverages and snacks 24-hours a day.


GRMC offers complimentary Wi-Fi.

Wellness Center

The Guadalupe Regional Wellness Center will offer a one-day pass to visitors. For more information, call 830.401.7676.

Learn more about the Wellness Center

All Visitor Information