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Men’s Health Awareness – 9 Common Issues

June 13, 2018
2 minutes

Although men have the reputation of being the physically stronger or the more dominant sex, being male doesn’t come without downsides. In fact, it comes with a specific set of health issues and concerns.  Fortunately, many of the health concerns can be prevented or treated if diagnosed early.

Here are 9 common health concerns for men:

Prostate Issues –once a man turns 40, his prostrate grows. This is known as “benign prostate enlargement.” Symptoms include a slow urinary stream or sudden and frequent urges to go to the bathroom.

Prostate Cancer – prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men (excluding skin cancer). The American Cancer Society recommends men with an average risk of prostate cancer should begin screening at age 50, although men with a higher risk should begin earlier.

Cardiovascular Disease – 1-in-3 men have some form of cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association. An estimated 2.8 million men experience a stroke each year and hypertension is common in younger men.

Low Testosterone – decreased sex drive, erectile difficulty, tiredness, mood changes and occasional memory problems. Lower testosterone puts men at risk for chronic health risks and diseases (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and high cholesterol).

Chronic Medical Diseases – diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and high cholesterol are chronic medical diseases that are causing men to die prematurely in the prime of their life.

Respiratory Disease – According to the American Lung Association, more men are diagnosed with lung cancer than ever before. Smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer, however occupational hazards can contribute to the risk.

Alcohol Use and Abuse –  Men experience higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women, according to the CDC. Drinking alcohol increases risk for mouth, throat, esophagus, liver and colon cancers. It also interferes with testicular function and hormone production.

Liver Disease –  Higher levels of alcohol and tobacco put men at risk for liver disease, such as cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease.

Depression and Suicide – Men are less likely to acknowledge depression or to seek help for it than women. Women are more prone to attempt suicide, but men are more likely to die by suicide according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

The best way to help prevent and treat these health risks is to have regular checkups with your family doctor. If you don’t have a family doctor, please call GRMC’s Physician Referral Line at 830.401.7401.

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