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Breastfeeding Support

Bringing a new baby into the world is a beautiful and magical thing. But it’s not without its stressors. New mothers and babies can sometimes experience challenges with breastfeeding.

GRMC is here to help both technically assist and emotionally support new mothers with their breastfeeding goals. We also provide education for new mothers and their families about the benefits of breastfeeding.

Best for Baby

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, the following information has been seen true when babies are breastfed:

  • The risk of ear infections is reduced 50%
  • The risk of serious colds, ear, and throat infections are reduced by 63%
  • The risk of SIDS is reduced by 36%
  • The risk of clinical asthma and eczema are reduced by 27%
  • The risk of inflammatory bowel disease is reduced by 31 %
  • There is a 15%-30% reduction in obesity rates
  • There is up to a 30% reduction in Type I Diabetes

Best for Mother

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, the following information has been seen true with mothers who breastfeed:

  • A decreased blood loss and more rapid involution of the uterus
  • Studies have found that breastfeeding helps the mothers return to their pre-pregnancy weight sooner
  • Mothers with a breastfeeding history of 12-23 months have a significant reduction in hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • A 28% reduction in risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer with cumulative duration of 12 months of breastfeeding

Importance of early and frequent nursing

  • Breastfeeding establishes a bond between mom and baby
  • Offer the breast every 1-3 hours from the start of the feeding. On average babies will nurse every 2 -3 hours
  • Babies can breastfed in almost any position. Sandwich the breast with your thumb across from baby’s nose to get the right alignment. Rub your nipple from baby’s nose down to ward baby’s chin
  • Encourages early milk production (supplementation may delay milk production)
  • Decreases the chance of jaundice
  • Provides better weight gain
  • More tips about breastfeeding can be received at the Breastfeeding Education class offered at GRMC. The class is free for all delivering at the hospital. Call 830-401-7530 to register

Importance of skin-to-skin

  • The baby is more likely to latch on and latch on well
  • Regulates his/her body temperature (even more than in an incubator)
  • Maintains his/her heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
  • Is less likely to cry
  • Is more likely to breastfeed exclusively and breastfeed longer
  • Will indicate to the mother when he/she is ready to feed

If you have questions about breastfeeding, GRMC’s lactation consultant can be reached for questions by calling 830.401.6130.

Breastfeeding in the First Hour - It's in your hands

Obstetrics & Gynecology Services