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All About You: An Essential Self Wellness Check List

March 10, 2017
3 minutes

One of the biggest influencers of your good health is – You! No matter what your age or general health condition, your commitment to your own wellness matters greatly.


That’s why it’s important to make wellness a priority – and one way to do that is to start putting yourself first. That means making and keeping doctor’s appointments, taking the time for healthy eating and exercise, and giving yourself permission to unplug and relax – even when the demands of family and work are intense.

Once you’ve adjusted your mindset to a “my health first” way of thinking, these 10 tips can also help keep you focused on a personal wellness track:

1.) Change your eating habits, whether you need aim to lose weight or not. Small changes, like cutting out sodas or adding a couple of servings of fruits and vegetables each day, can add up to big differences in the long run. Get more nutrition tips.

2.) Stop smoking. Set a quit date for this month and make it happen. It will be hard – but you can do it. Download a quit smoking guide from the American Cancer Society.

3.) Add in some activity. Even a 20-minute walk twice a week is better than no exercise at all – and it’s so easy to work it in to your schedule. Before you know it, you just might find yourself finding the time to walk every day. Find out how to start and stick to an exercise routine.

4.) Stick with your medical appointments. Even if you feel fine, checkups and follow up visits should always be taken seriously. Give them the same priority you would a work meeting or an activity for your child or grandchild. Find a Seguin doctor.

5.) Be open with your doctor. If you’ve got a concern about something, speak up. Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions or disclose facts about your lifestyle. Get more tips for talking with your doctor.

6.) Make sleep a priority. Better sleep habits can not only make you look and feel better, they can help your body fight off or better deal with a range of chronic and acute illnesses. Get more sleep tips.

7.) Recognize that your mental health is as important as your physical health. Exercise, healthy sleep habits, and good nutrition can help you manage or fight the negative effects of stress. It’s also important to periodically take time off from work and family responsibilities on a regular basis to re-charge and do activities that you find restful or enjoyable. Get more stress-busting tips.

8.) Designate one day as a year as your Personal Health Day. Use the time to schedule your annual checkups and screenings, make sure your medical documents and records are up to date, make a list of questions for your next doctor visit, and set wellness goals for yourself for the coming year.

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